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Category: Submissions

SVP Submission on The National Payments Strategy & Access to Cash

SVP working for Social Justice

The National Payments Strategy (NPS) and Access to Cash consultation has been a wide-reaching public consultation carried out by the Department of Finance. The purpose of the consultation was to seek out the public’s views on a future National Payments Strategy for Ireland the future of payments, the payments system, the developments of electronic payments, cash access and cash acceptance. SVP Social has contributed to the consultation with the linked submission.

Within our submission we have highlighted those who use cash and the reasons why cash is key to their lives, the importance of access and acceptability to cash particularly those who use cash for its anonymity, autonomy, privacy, and security. Cash is inclusive, SVP believe the government should use this legislation and policy to protect all the characteristics of cash and the role it plays in society for us all but particularly those for who cash is their only medium for use of buying goods and services.  We also highlight to importance of understanding that essential goods and services means something different to everyone, but those who are marglinsied in society due to their disability, poverty, age or escaping domestic violence, their lives and financial vulnerability require that protection from the future legislation and policy.

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