This winter, energy prices have risen significantly, and for many households this will lead to challenges in meeting the costs of gas and electricity.
If you are finding energy costs difficult, are worried about arrears or struggling to top up a prepayment meter:
1.Engage 2. Apply 3. Reach out 4. Switch. 5. Register
Are engaging to pay back arrears as part of an agreed plan, or
Have agreed to install a prepayment meter
You may be able to receive an Exceptional Needs Payment from your local Social Welfare office if you satisfy the means test. This applies to prepayment customers too.
Reach out to advice services like MABS who can help you with budgeting and debt advice, including related to energy. See or call 0818 072000.
Switching supplier may help you get a cheaper deal. Check out www.cru.e/home/switching-supplier for more information.
If you are registered as a vulnerable customer on age or health grounds, your supplier will not disconnect you in winter*, but you must have notified them of this.
*If you are critically dependent on electrically powered equipment, you will be protected throughout the year.
If you are struggling with energy costs, reach out to your supplier and support services, like SVP and MABS, who will help you come up with a plan.
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