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Category: News

The Summer edition of THE SVP BULLETIN magazine is out now!

THE SVP BULLETIN magazine is the voice of social justice in Ireland.

In the introduction to the Summer edition SVP National President Geoff Meagher says that a real celebration next year  would be for the Government to honour the 1916 promises and put forward real change proposals that will create a more equal and just Ireland.

In a similar vein Peg Hanafin writing about intergenerational poverty says that until such time as Government policy changes in favour of a just income for parents with children and the educational system erases literacy and numeracy problems we will continue to have intergenerational poverty.

This issue also focusses on the need for support for older people through Advocacy, a new report on the minimum essential standard of living, the current housing crisis, the centenary celebration of the Back Lane hostel Dublin, originally founded by the SVP and the expanding work of the SVP Youth Development programme.

There are also contributions from Irish Rural Link, SAGE Advocacy and MABS as well as the story of a unique Cork woman who spoke up for the industrial working class in America in the 1900’s and how the Legion of Mary was founded by an SVP member.

We hope that you find this edition of interest and welcome any comments or contributions.

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